zondag 29 juni 2014

30-day Creative Challenge Week 4 + DC #173

June's almost over and so is this challenge, I'm afraid... I really had loads of fun creating every day! Here's week 4 for my Creative challenge (a day later than planned, but the camera was hiding from me yesterday...).
Head on over to Kelly's whimsy and zen to take a look at what she and the other participants made these past weeks!

Day 22 - Find an image or symbol that calls out to you.
When I first started on the Hamza hand, it really was because it called out to me. For some reason a million ideas came to mind when I printed it, but they were all far gone by the time I wanted to start drawing. This template was a "nightmare in disguise" for me. A project way out of my comfort zone, but one I'm determined to finish anyway!
So it was time to put some more work on the Hamza hand. I really want to get this one done, so I can start a new template. It has given me headaches trying to come up with fillings! All it needs now is some colour and I'll have another Ben Kwok template done!

Day 23 - Use your favourite colour.
Hmmz, Don't really have one favourite colour.. But I have used 2 colours I really like: purple and red. Combine those watercolour pencils with a sticker and this is the result:

It still needs to be cut out and mounted on different cardstock before I can add it to the foldable card I'm making. But one step closer!

Day 24 - No prompt.

Some more Dive catch up! Challenge 165 was a UMT. Every first challenge of the month, the Diva asks us to use a pattern from one of the other contributors. This time it was Camelia.

I had used Camelia before, but not in a monotangle. To be honest, I found it rather hard to come up with tangleations without straying too far from the original pattern.

Day 25 - Take inspiration from a how-to book.
Sand swirl, Well variation
Challenge 164, was originally posted on April 21. Every 22nd of April is Earth Day and the Diva always puts an Earth Day (or Amanda Day, as her son calls it) challenge in.

I didn't do anything fancy, just did what came to mind when I started drawing. The idea behind it is not using straight lines. Because the Earth isn't flat and is constantly moving; The flow of the ocean, a breeze of fresh air, even the center is filled with boiling magma. Everything is in motion and that's what I tried to achieve with this little tangle.

Day 26 - Revisit a project you did way back when. (Diva Challenge #173)

When I first started tangling, Bales was my go-to-tangle. I used it pretty much every time. Because of it's simplicity and versatility. By discovering more patterns, I used it less and less, but still showed up once in a while. So today is a Bales monotangle! Because I wanted to add a little extra challenge for myself, I tried out a different version of Bales I hadn't used yet in each section. Black: aura the lines, purple: no grid, blue: organic grid and yellow: shrink (instead of biggify).

I like how the tile turned out. All different and yet all still Bales!

Day 27 - Get out of your comfort zone.

The end of June, vacation has finally arrived. Two months of free time to draw, tangle and catch up with friends!
Not sticking with the prompt today. Every last schoolday of the year we have a BBQ with the teachers. A moment to say goodbye to those who won't come back next year and discuss the (usually turbulent) year that has passed. Because it got rather late, I didn't have much time to do artsy things. So I just picked up the card I'm working on and glued the pieces on that were already done.

Day 28 - Sunshine

Today started with a lot of sunshine, but late afternoon some rainclouds drifted over and they haven't left since. Thankfully it's still warm, so I'm not complaining. The plants were in dire need of some water, because we had a pretty nice June this year, with loads of warm sunny days.
No sunshine in Belgium, so I made my own today! I used patterns that make me happy when I look at them.

The patterns are (starting in the upper left corner and going clockwise): Featherfall, Buttercup, Kandy ribnz, Well, Jitterz, Printemps, Bales, Henna drum, DL Sunray, Hearty and Miasma.

This was the last full week of creative endeavours, 2 more days to go and this challenge will be over. And then what will we do???

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