Zendala Dare

Over at The Bright Owl, Erin posts a new Zendala* dare every Saturday(ish).

So far I've only been reading her posts and looking at the wonderful art others have been making. Not anymore!

I have decided to do them backwards though. I will start with the newest one and work my way back to number one. Just because I don't want to skip a single one of them, since they're so fun to do!

You can always click on the title of each dare. This will take you to the post Erin made and where you can find the template for each zendala!
*A zendala is a mandala filled with patterns. (Zentangle + mandala = Zendala!)

Zendala dare #48:

Jetties, Verve, Moonrocks, Mooka, Jelly roll
I must admit I had loads of fun doing this template! Drew in the five small circles first, then went on with the next row always skipping one :)

Zendala dare #18:
Betweed, Tipple, Paradox, Yoga
Made a little "mistake" with the paradox here.. Tried to fill the entire shape at once, but came to the conclusion I didn't like it that way. So I divided the shapes in 2 and paradoxed each one!
Also tried some colour this time and didn't use any shading (since I had no idea how the graphite would react with the colours and didn't want to ruin the zendala completely).

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Kijk, dat is nou leuk, weer iemand erbij waarnaar je gewoon in onze eigen taal kunt schrijven. Welkom!!!
    Je zendala is erg mooi Myrea,ik verheug me erop meer van je te zien.

  2. he leuk! een nederlandse erbij!
    Ik vind je zendala erg goed gelukt!

  3. What I first see is a beautiful flow! Such delicate lines! Gorgeous!
